DUI Laws: Implied Consent to Search on the Roadway - An Overview
The concept of implied consent is that a driver consents to a search to chemical testing of blood, breath, or urine for a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) upon suspicion that the individual is driving while under the influence.
Erie Bar Associations Young Lawyer Profile Series
I had the privilege of being interviewed by Tim George with the Erie Bar Association for their Young Lawyer Profile Series.

Firearms Regulation in Pennsylvania: The Basics, Some of the Law, and Firearm Disabilities
Who can sell firearms and under what conditions?

The Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) - A History, Overview, and the Dreaded Feres Doctrine
The Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) is a United States federal law that allows private individuals to sue the federal government for torts committed by federal employees in the scope of their employment.

The Regulation of Professions in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - An Overview
There are over 255 professional and occupational licensing boards and commissions in the state that oversee the licensing and regulation of various professions and occupations.

Marijuana Metabolites and Driving Under the Influence / Driving After Imbibing (DUI/DAI) in Pennsylvania
In Pennsylvania, it is illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana or any other controlled substance.

Pennsylvania’s 3-Tiered System for Driving Under the Influence / Driving After Imbibing (DUI/DAI)
Pennsylvania has a tiered system for DUI (Driving Under the Influence) offenses, which imposes increasingly severe penalties based on the level of impairment and the number of prior offenses.

Veterans Issues: the “Collateral Matters”
There’s a story that’s been told tens of thousands of times in recent decades.

DUI in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – a DUI without being above the “legal limit?!?!”
It’s important to know how operating a motor vehicle is regulated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania after consuming alcohol.